Baby Angel Acres
Registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Clean Tested Herd CAE,CL, Johnnes
Yellville, Arkansas
Dreahook KT Brill *M
VEEV87 (1-08 FF)
Sire: Rosasharn MM King Triton *B
Dam: Dreahook NK Orange Crunch
ADGA# PD2250044
DOB: 02/19/2022
About Brill
Brill is a very deep-bodied and dairy doe with a very nice front end and a gorgeous capricious udder. She is one of those does you love to see walking across the field. Brill easily qualified for her milk star in all three categories as a FF and looks like she may close to double that as a second freshener! Still hoping to get a nice set up photo of her soon.
S: Rosasharn MM King Triton *B
SS: Rosasharn DLM My Monarch VVE89 +B
SD: Elite SG Rosasharn H B Kujira 4*M EEEE91
SSS: Dawnland TCBB Monarch
SSD: GCH Rosasharn TL Queen Bee 5*M ST
SDS: Rosasharn TF Honey Bear +B ST +VE85
SDD: Rosasharn's Unagi 3*M ST
D: Dreahook NK Orange Crunch
DS: Keema Ridge Neon Knight *DNA
DD: Dreahook RS Cape May VEEV90
DSS: Kyeema Ridge Banjo Paterson EEE91
DSD: SG Piddlin Acres W Neon Aurora VEVE89
DDS: TX Twincreeks RM Rainshadow *B VEE90
DDD: TX Twincreeks WDF Wanna Dance?
Kidding Record
Freshenings | Birthdate | Kids | Sire |
3rd | |||
2nd | 5/26/24 | 3B | Chiappa |
1st | 7/19/23 | 1B/1D | Doodle Bug |
Depth 36
Dairyness 34
Fore Udder 36
RUdder Height 35
RUdder Arch 35
Udder Depth 29
PTI2:1 114
PTI1:2 97
Milk Record
Age | DIM | Milk lbs | BF lbs |
10-05 | 240 | 650 lbs | 34 lbs |
BF % | P lbs | P % | MTH |
5.2% | 27 lbs | 4.2% | 4.0 lbs |