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Baby Angel Acres
Registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Clean Tested Herd CAE,CL, Johnnes
Yellville, Arkansas
Hooves of Hart DK Doc Holiday *B *DNA
Sire: Sugar Moon IM Dark Knight*B Dam: SG Better Wayz Hopscotch 4*M
ADGA# PD2289117
DOB: 02/26/2023
About Doc
Doc is the sweetest buck I have! He loves to get your attention but not in your pocket. Doc comes from a long line of superior genetic goats like Sugar Moon, Cuatlilredbarn, Old Mountain Farm, Better Wayz, Rosasharn, Promisedland that I absolutely love! And one of my favorites is his great grand dam SG AGS NC Promisedland MG Diva 4*D VEEE91 with a DHI high of 1940 lbs! This little boy has a lot to offer and we are super excited to bring his genetics into our program!
S: Sugar Moon IM Dark Knight *B +VV84
ETA 2:1 167 ETA 1:2 70
SS: Sugar Moon BL Izaman *B
SD: SG Sugar Moon Zesta 3*M +EEE88 AR
DHI High 1420 lbs
SDD: SG NC PromisedLand Zippy 2*M AR VEEE90 DHI High 1600 lbs
SSD:Elite SG Sugar Moon Zuzanna 4*M AR +VVV87
PTI2:1 348 PTI1:2 120 ETA2:1 246 ETA1:2 90
DHI High 2190 lbs
SDS: Rosasharn TL Ukko *B
SSS: Chenango-Hills TRX Bombay Aloo +*B AR ST
D: SG Better Wayz Hopscotch 4*M VEEE89 AR DHI High 1780 lbs
DS: SG Old Mountain Farm Elton Jay ++*B VVE85 AR ETA2:1 294 ETA1:2 180
DD: SG Cuatlilredbarn I Spy 3*M AR EEEV91
DSD: SGNC Promisedland MG Diva 1*M AR ST VEEE91 PTI2:1 549 PTI1:2 328 DHI High 1940 lbs!
DSS: Old Mountain Farm Romeo ++B ST
DDS: Old Mountain Farm Tanka +*B
DDD: MI Sugarcreek Wil Yahtzee 2*M AR AVEV82


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