Baby Angel Acres
Registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Clean Tested Herd CAE,CL, Johnnes
Yellville, Arkansas
Better Wayz EL Saving Grace
Sire: Elite Gardenviewfarm F Epic Legend *B
Dam: Better Wayz Rosebelle 2*M AR2020
ADGA# PD2276218
DOB: 01/05/2023
About Grace
Grace is such a beautiful and dairy doe. She is is deep bodied and wide with a smooth topline. This little lady is probably the most feisty of all my girls! She wants to be a milker so badly that she is the first one to fight her way in with the milkers whenever we open the gate! Shew! I cannot wait till she can be milked and I won't have to fight with her LOL! We are so excited to see what Gracie brings us in both production and conformation. She comes from a long line of powerhouse milkers, Elite, Superior Genetics and very highly appraised Nigerians! Her pre-freshening udder looks very promising! Gracie's littermate sister Better wayz Tropicana Rose has freshened with a gorgeous udder and is already producing very nicely.
S: Elite Gardenviewfarm F Epic Legend *B
SD: Elite Creeping Thyme Farm Whoa 2*M VEEE91
SS: Elite Gardenviewfarm D Fievel *B
SDS: Old Mountain Farm Romeo ++B
SDD: SG Elite NC Promisedland MG Diva 1*M VEEE91
SSS: Udderly Topnotch PR Dannon EEV90
SSD: SGCH Elite Creeping Thyme Farm Thelma 2*M VEVE90
​D: Better Wayz Rosebelle 2*M VEEE 90
DS: Gillispie's Black Bear *DNA
DD: SG AGS Ruckus Ridge Carabelle 1*M VEEE90
DDS: AGS West End Farm Huckleberry
DDD: AGS Wooly Dog Down Xenodusa
DSS: Tiny Town Hunting with Emmet
DSD: SG Old Mountain Farm Sirocco EEEE91​