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Baumgartner Acres MacKenzie *DNA

Sire: Flat Rock's Blue Chrome
  Dam: 5 Fold Farm HB Ellie Mae   

ADGA# PD2196604
DOB: 2/21/2021

About MacKenzie

MacKenzie looks just like his sire, he is very deep bodied with an excellent brisket!  His Pedigree is filled with genetics from Flat Rock's, Dill's and 5 Fold Farm.  His Dam 5 Fold HB Ellie Mae was a beautiful doe, she was wide and deep with a very nice topline and a beautiful capricious udder just like her Dam SG TX Twincreeks B Pretty Pyro. Ellie Mae's sire Dill's Hillybilly Bone produced 5 superior genetic daughters.  MacKenzies sire's dam Flat Rock's Mythril Silver was a gorgeous doe and a favorite of many. MacKenzies first daughters will be freshening this spring, we are very excited to see their FF Udders and production!


S: Flat Rock's Blue Chrome
SS: Flat Rock's Dobby
SD: Flat Rock's Mythril Silver
D: 5 Fold Farm HB Ellie Mae
DS: SG Dill's B&R Hillybilly Bone +*B
DD: SG TX Twincreeks B Pretty Pyro 



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